Clinical pharmacy and Pharmacoeconomics

Clinical pharmacy and Pharmacoeconomics

About Us

The department of clinical pharmacy tries as its first priority to develop creative teaching strategies to train the undergraduate M Pharm and Pharm D students. The faculty also proposes other innovative educational as well as research-based practices with specific regards to patient-care areas, monitoring drug therapy, training the interpersonal communication and counseling skills. Our academic staff also holds the responsibility as clinical pharmacists in 4 hospitals of Iran University of Medical Sciences. There are multiple portfolios of supported research areas with funding from different sources. The members of the department regularly participate in national and international seminars, conferences and lectures to present recent findings.

Mission & Vision

Our mission is to contribute with optimization the drug administration pattern in different types of caregivers, provide appropriate collaboration with patients besides health-care professionals, offering consultations to them and assessment of the accurate drug prescriptions. As the role of pharmacist is being changed, we wish to provide tight coordination with the Iranian Food and Drug Administration, define the prominent role of clinical pharmacist in the hospitals, as a key member of treatment staff. The vision is to translate the scientific achievements into effective and safe therapeutic administrations via skills' lab and clinical studies. The department sets the strategic plans in accordance to our final ambitions which are training knowledgeable graduates, expanding the pharmaceutical care services, conducting drug utilization evaluation (DUE) and improving the well-being of the society.

  • Clinical pharmacy department

Clinical pharmacy is a fundamental domain within the pharmacy field. It constitutes a health science discipline in which pharmacists deliver patient care, aiming to optimize medication therapy, promote health, and prevent disease. Clinical pharmacy practice aligns with the philosophy of pharmaceutical care, combining a compassionate approach with specialized therapeutic knowledge, experience, and judgment to ensure the best possible patient outcomes. Furthermore, as a discipline, clinical pharmacy generates new knowledge that promotes health and improves the quality of life. Clinical pharmacy focuses on the science and practice of ensuring rational medication use.

We are developing innovative approaches and implementing positive changes to improve pharmaceutical care services.


  • Pharmacoeconomics

Due to the high growth of health system costs in all sectors, including the pharmaceutical sector, health sector experts use economic principles in resource allocation to optimally use the limited resources of the health system and control pharmaceutical costs in the health system. The field of Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical management specifically deals with the appropriate methods for choosing cost-effective drugs in the health system.

Pharmacoeconomics and Pharmaceutical management is one of the specialized fields of pharmacy.

Its main goal is to train graduates who are able to contribute to the allocation and optimal use of resources in the pharmaceutical system and the development of justice in this system by applying the principles of economics and management in the pharmaceutical system.


Dr. Parastoo Mirzabeigi Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedian Dr. Amir Rezazadeh 
Dr. Hessam Kakavand Dr. Maryam Farasatinasab Dr. Azadeh Eshraghi
  Dr. HamidReza Aslani  


Research area of Clinical pharmacy:

  • Bioequivalence studies
  • Clinical trials
  • Multi-disciplinary projects
  • Applying AI in pharmaceutical care studies, drug effectiveness and safety (clinical trials), and other related areas.
  • Economic evaluation 
  • Clinical pharmacokinetics
  • Drug Utilization Evaluation 
  • Drug and patient safety

Areas of  Pharmacoeconomics Activity :

  • Pharmacoeconomics
  • Pharmaceutical management
  • Drug policy
  • Pharmacy education
  • Economic evaluation


Clinical pharmacy Courses

  • Pharmacotherapy 1
  • Pharmacotherapy 2
  • Pharmacotherapy 3
  • Pharmacotherapy 4
  • Community Pharmacy (Theory & Practical)
  • Hospital Pharmacy (Theory & Practical)
  • Nutrition
  • Clinical Biochemistry


 Pharmacoeconomics Courses 

Economics and Management in Pharmacy


Lab facilities

Pharmacy Practice Skill Lab.


Members E-mail Office Phone
Dr. Parastoo Mirzabeigi 106 +(98-21) 44606181
Dr. Mohammad Mahdi Mojahedian 102
Dr. Amir Rezazadeh 104
Dr. Hessam Kakavand 112
Dr. Maryam Farasatinasab  115
Dr. Azadeh Eshraghi 115
Dr. HamidReza Aslani 102


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