Student opportunities

Counselling & mental health

  • We provide counseling and psychology services to students and if required, refer them to medical centers and social services institutions.
  • Clinical psychologists are available in our colleges and dormitories.
  • Advising time to students at the college of pharmacy is on Tuesdays (8: 30-14: 30).

Loans & Facilities

  • Educational loans & mortgages: Student loans and mortgages are paid each semester based on the Student Welfare Fund rules. The first semester of each academic year is calculated 4 months and 15 days accordingly and the second semester of each academic year is 5 months and 15 days.
  • Emergency loan: A loan is granted to students once during their studies by the Student Welfare Fund and students must apply for a loan after one year of study.
  • Mortgage:  In order to satisfy some of the students' needs, married students who do not have a dormitory and rented housing are provided with loans by the Student Welfare Fund.
  • International Student Loan: This loan applies to students studying at the University's International Campus unit who are required to pay a tuition fee.
  • Student work: Student work is another activity of the Welfare Office that is mostly dedicated to students in need of dormitories and colleges Students must be active 70 hours per month.


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