Accommodation (Room and Board)

Meal Reservation:

How to make use of the Nutrition Automation System?

  • Charging the credit card.
  • Look up address of Nutrition Automation System (, type usernames and passwords.
  • Deposit money to Mellat Bank and submit deposit to automation user.
  • Reserve food online via website.

Housing & accommodation:

IUMS international campus girl's dormitory was purchased and launched in 2017. It is newly built in district 2 of Tehran municipality and is located at No. 72, Shahid Abdolreza Javadi Street, Tehran Villa Street, Sattarkhan Street. Capacity and facilities of dorm are as follows:

  • 5 floor Apartment.
  • Furnished (TV, Furniture, Gas, Washing Machine, Refrigerator, WIFI).
  • A VIP Bedroom for one student contains Bathroom and Toilet and Also rentable for two students.
  • Three general bedrooms with two student capacity for each room.
  • Total Capacity in each floor 7/8.
  • Dorms Total Capacity 35/40.


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